100% agree on the open calendar day! As my only child wraps up his senior year these are slowly happening more often. A totally unscheduled day when I choose what gets done is a gift of abundance I appreciate!
I resonate with so much of this- an open calendar, lots of eggs (we also recently shifted into egg-abundance!), a NEW journal. I would also add that instead of having a lot of something having just 1-2 of that item but higher quality- clothing and accessories come to mind but this also includes office supplies (pens!), etc.
This is such a lovely post. I keep thinking about what we did during covid - how so much was “enough” during lock down. We went for long walks, we watched the birds. How quickly we go back to too much. My little bar is my abundance - I only have what I use for a few cocktails I really enjoy and it is so nice to take care of the little bottles and my little shelf. Thanks for sharing what your little corners look like.
Well hello Casey - so glad to see you here!!! And yes - how quickly we went back, indeed. My life changed so much during the pandemic that I never fully re-entered the level of crazy I was operating under prior to 2020, but I've still seen how that restlessness and discontent sneaked back in around the edges. Your little bar sounds lovely, like an adult Richard Scarry scene :D
I have tried SO MANY brands of notebooks, lol...and I keep coming back to the Fringe Studio ones (they're in boutiques, but you can sometimes buy at my TJ Maxx too.) I like them so well that I'm going to sign up as a wholesale distributor to sell them through my brick and mortar shop!!
Every now and then I get a hankering for a non-spiral-bound, like when I want something that feels more permanent for whatever reason. In those cases I like Moleskine and that German brand Lechtturm 1917. But then I wind up wishing I could easily tear pages out!
I also love the library and can browse the shelves for hours, picking up and skimming all manner of books. Then walking my chosen stack to the check out - so satisfying. Allowing myself that time feels like abundance.
100% agree on the open calendar day! As my only child wraps up his senior year these are slowly happening more often. A totally unscheduled day when I choose what gets done is a gift of abundance I appreciate!
Yes! Next year you will be amazed at how weird and wonderfully blank your calendar feels :)
I resonate with so much of this- an open calendar, lots of eggs (we also recently shifted into egg-abundance!), a NEW journal. I would also add that instead of having a lot of something having just 1-2 of that item but higher quality- clothing and accessories come to mind but this also includes office supplies (pens!), etc.
This is such a lovely post. I keep thinking about what we did during covid - how so much was “enough” during lock down. We went for long walks, we watched the birds. How quickly we go back to too much. My little bar is my abundance - I only have what I use for a few cocktails I really enjoy and it is so nice to take care of the little bottles and my little shelf. Thanks for sharing what your little corners look like.
Well hello Casey - so glad to see you here!!! And yes - how quickly we went back, indeed. My life changed so much during the pandemic that I never fully re-entered the level of crazy I was operating under prior to 2020, but I've still seen how that restlessness and discontent sneaked back in around the edges. Your little bar sounds lovely, like an adult Richard Scarry scene :D
Yes! What brand of notebooks do you like? I'm with you on the spiral-bound and soft cover.
I have tried SO MANY brands of notebooks, lol...and I keep coming back to the Fringe Studio ones (they're in boutiques, but you can sometimes buy at my TJ Maxx too.) I like them so well that I'm going to sign up as a wholesale distributor to sell them through my brick and mortar shop!!
Every now and then I get a hankering for a non-spiral-bound, like when I want something that feels more permanent for whatever reason. In those cases I like Moleskine and that German brand Lechtturm 1917. But then I wind up wishing I could easily tear pages out!
This is excellent info, thank you! 😊
Such a good list, Meagan! I am with you on the eggs! It would be cheaper to get them at the store. Haha.
Oh my gosh. "Free eggs" my foot lol
I also love the library and can browse the shelves for hours, picking up and skimming all manner of books. Then walking my chosen stack to the check out - so satisfying. Allowing myself that time feels like abundance.
Yes! And checking them out is essentially the same dopamine hit as making a purchase, only without any chance of buyer's regret.
Such a good list! I love to walk in other neighborhoods, too. Having a book or two waiting to be read gives me a sense of abundance.
What a luxury that we have so many to choose from, right?