Long-time reader and listener to the mom hour, motherhood reinvented and the tea’s made. I don’t think I have ever commented. I feel compelled to do so to thank you for showing up and sharing your brilliant, genuine and inspiring thoughts with the world. Your writing (and podcasts) really resonate with me and I have found myself agreeing with you time and time again. You are like a wise older sister (I’m somewhat younger with young kids) and I have used you as a role model for myself to show up authentically in my own spaces. I completely understand where you are coming from. I have shared your work on my platforms and will continue to do so. I also cannot wait to read your book! Keep on keeping on! I’ll be following along with the journey… ✌️❤️😊

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Oh my gosh Candice, this comment made my day. Thank you so much. I’m so grateful you’re still with me!

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Still not through all 29 minutes but I’ll get there 🤣 and you KNOW I support this! ❤️

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Is it weird that I wondered if you were the friend she Voxed for 29 minutes? 😆🙈

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We do go on…

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I am so happy I have found your content! Your posts resonate with me and what I write about and your podcasts are a welcome addition to my morning walk. Thank you for this vulnerable peak into your creative process. I too have wrestled with the paywall and where I stand. 🩵

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April, I'm so glad you're here too! New episode comes out early tomorrow morning :)

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This is an amazing post of self-reflection and listening to your inner voice. Thank you for sharing your writing and process! It is truly inspirational.

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Thank you Laura! Glad you’re here!

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Love this. I feel like so many people are feeling this! (Myself included.) I have paid subs on but it’s more like “thank you for your extra level of support” not “if you pay me I will give you x y and z.”

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

I so admire writers who can truly treat their paid subs as support and keep that inward boundary. I've struggled with it - I find myself wanting to add more and more "value" to justify the subscription, then getting burned out when I can't keep up month after month. Interestingly I don't feel at all awkward about asking people to buy my books or getting paid to write for publications, etc. I think it's maybe the nebulous nature of what a subscription actually is FOR that creates the confusion.

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Wow, Meagan. This is so incredibly thoughtful. I love the way you were able to listen to that feeling in your gut. I think it can be hard, sometimes, with all the noise out there and real financial needs. I admire the way you looked hard at this question and came to a solution that feels right to you. Raising a glass to you, to your upcoming book, and to the community I know you’ll continue to create and grow here. Hats off to you, friend! 💕🎉🥂

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Thank you so much Kirsetin! I appreciate you having been around for sooo long. See you soon, friend.

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