Love the "Flynn Bin." My son was the first grandchild for my parents. When he was little, he was very delayed in speech, which turned out to be because of fluid in the ears. He couldn't hear well, which in turn meant he couldn't speak well. He learned a lot of signs, and because he couldn't say the words "Grandma and Grandpa" he started calling my Mom "Amma," and my Dad "Poppy." He got tubes placed in both ears and his speech took off, but those names have stuck. My parents now have 7 grandchildren, and they all refer to them as Amma and Poppy :) I think Mimi is cute for you!

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I'm definitely more like Eric when it comes to a decision like goats, but I hope your persuasion campaign works out for you!

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I may need to hire a campaign manager...

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