Boy did I resonate with this and I'm only 43! I started having vertigo in 2015. A PCP told me it was BPPV but Epley and friends never helped and so I put up with it until a few months ago. Now I'm in vestibular rehab therapy---but that was after I did therapy for my hip earlier this year and then subsequently put my paid deductible to the test and started going in for every other ailment that has popped up in the last three years I've ignored. Getting old sucks but it's also laugh inducing when you are at the cardiologists office (and the PT) and are the youngest person in the waiting room!

The best thing I have found is to try and stay as active as possible, keeping the body moving and fluid however one can find the time and what feels best. Especially after seeing these older folks and what happens when movement stops.

Now to figure out how to fix plantar fasciitis and this other random foot pain that sprouted and maybe get the dermatologist to look at this new spot on my hand...

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Every time someone mentions vertigo I like to share something that worked for me! It is called the half somersault maneuver and there are a lot of instructions and videos online.

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Oh thanks, Sunny! I knew there were various maneuvers, but hadn't heard about that one.

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Oh Meagan, AS USUAL, your words are SO GOOD ! I found myself laughing. Or taking a thoughtful pause. So much yes sister I get it !

The other day I told my (also new to me) hubby, "I totally understand why old people are so crabby. No matter the day, no matter the season, something HURTS !"

Regarding the thoughtful pause. Why did we do that I am fine stuff ? All I can say is we have to follow that famous quote of "start where you are" thing. Do what we can. Don't do it now, right ? ! And one more thing. I think we do know why we went the I am route. Because we had no choice. Amen ? But now we do. We are now finally ready (or able) to say when we are not fine. Ahhhhhhh.

Something to celebrate all on its own.

You are the best. One of these cold winter weekends I think I might just drive up to your family bookstore in MI and talk and read a spell. Are you there every weekend or just sometimes ?

I love a good bookstore and would love to meet you as well.

Keep up the good words. : )

Take care, J in IL

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I love this: "because we had no choice - but now we do." You are so right! A great reminder that we do what we have to do when we have to do it, but that we can adapt as our lives make space.

Right now I'm only up north about once a month, and we will actually be closing the bookstore for a while in January to renovate the rest of the building. But I expect to be up there a lot more this spring/summer and would love if you made a visit!

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